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19/10/2022 Newsletters
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (October 19, 2022)

Health Hub Doctors Morayfield’s 200,000 registered patients’ celebration


Today marks a day of Celebration for everyone at Health Hub Doctors Morayfield.

The practice recently surpassed a total of 200,000 registered patients and continues to grow rapidly thanks to the support of the people and community of the region and the fantastic staff that provide the services.

Today the centre hosted a celebration for our team, our patients, and our community to acknowledge this huge milestone with free goodies, decorations and eats in the entrance of the centre.

To have reached the milestone of 200,000+ patients across our region is truly humbling.

The patient-centred care model at the Hub focuses on access to high-quality healthcare and the team are so proud that 200,000 + members of our community choose to have services provided by us.

The COVID-19 pandemic bought with it a whole range of challenges to our team and community and we proudly, and quickly adapted to these for our patients. The development of the COVID-19 vaccination clinic and respiratory clinic has been instrumental in the health and well-being of the local community as well as their ongoing team of GPs and Specialists.

“The team at Health Hub Doctors Morayfield has achieved so much over the past 5 years since opening our doors and it’s so important for us all to take a moment to recognise and celebrate this achievement” Dr Evan Jones said today.

Dr Evan Jones thanked the community for their support and made a commitment that, as we overcome the workforce shortages of doctors and nurses, that the hub will continue to expand the range of services available.

For further comments or information please contact
Meagan Cross, Group Operations Manager


Health Hub Doctors Morayfield is a serviced office general practice that strives to provide for its patients by delivering integrated patient-centred care. This medical centre is part of the larger Health Hub Morayfield which introduced a new model of healthcare to Australians. As a collective group of health service providers, we bring integrated health, education, and research together under one centre to provide patients with affordable, evidence-based, person-centred care.


07/09/2022 Newsletters
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MEDIA RELEASE from Health Hub Doctors Morayfield

September 7, 2022

Community Prize – $5,000 prize draw with patients automatically entered when receiving their COVID-19 vaccination at Health Hub Doctors Morayfield.

This week, Health Hub Doctors Morayfield announced the winner of the $5,000 cash prize. The lucky patient was Caboolture local, Chris. Chris received his second booster dose only a few weeks ago and chose to visit the Hub.

Alike to the Hub’s previous cash prize draw, the campaign aimed to increase booster vaccination rates in the Morayfield and Caboolture area. The team at Health Hub Doctors Morayfield wanted to reward those who are up to date with their vaccinations or those who are on their way to help reduce the ongoing impact of COVID-19 in our community.

We would like to congratulate Chris on his winnings and thank him for his dedication to keep up to date with his vaccination status. We asked Chris what he will be doing with his $5,000 and he’s super excited for a holiday and an injection into his savings.

The campaign ran for the 3 months of Winter to help remind our community that vaccination is our best defence whilst giving Health Hub Doctors Morayfield a way to say thanks for your loyalty and for choosing us!

Vaccine Update

As one of the biggest COVID-19 vaccine providers in north Brisbane, Health Hub Doctors Morayfield’s Vaccination Clinic continues to vaccinate the Morayfield and wider community for the foreseeable future. The team of nurses have administered over 164,000 vaccines and strongly encourages patients to keep up to date with their vaccination status. The challenges of the COVID-19 virus will continue to emerge but the team at Health Hub Doctors Morayfield are committed to supporting the local community for the long term.

MEDIA CONTACT – Health Hub Doctors Morayfield, Group Operations Manager, Meagan Cross 0477 762 170


19/08/2022 Newsletters
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Successful Health Hub Morayfield’s Inaugural 2022 REEC Seed Research Grant Recipients

MORAYFIELD, QUEENSLAND – Health Hub Morayfield hosted its inaugural Research Education and Engagement Committee (REEC) Seed Research Grant Awards. Successful recipients demonstrated viable projects which supported the delivery of patient-centred healthcare. These diverse teams, including health practitioners, early-career researchers, and students, will work together with experienced academics from domestic and international universities, to build local knowledge, skills, and capacity in clinical, therapeutic and health services research.

“One of the visions in the development of the Morayfield Health Hub was to promote much needed primary care research in Australia. That vision has come to fruition today with the first of our seed grant rounds. My congratulations to all of the successful research teams.”, Director of Health Hub Doctors Morayfield and grant Sponsor, Dr. Evan Jones.

Dr. Wayne Graham, Chair of the REEC Committee, said “that the expert review panel was impressed with the quality of the applications. He also expressed his gratitude to Dr. Evan Jones for providing seed funding to strengthen collaborative research teams consisting of health practitioners and university researchers. The seed funding will build capacity for the project teams which in turn enables access to state and national competitive grants funding and most importantly will improve health outcomes for the local community”.

Successful 2022 REEC Seed Research Grant Recipients:

  1. ‘Addressing education gaps to improve the provision of healthcare to Domestic Violence victims in the primary healthcare setting’– Lead Investigator: Dr. Shannon Dhollande
  2. ‘Analysis of Health Hub Morayfield use by Indigenous Patients in 2018-2021 focusing on use of the Minor Accident and Illness Centre’ – Lead Investigators: Associate Professor Xiang-Yu (Janet) Hou and Shauna Fjaagesund
  3. ‘Early prevention of chronic musculoskeletal pain after injury: a survey of GP attitudes and prescribing behaviours’ – Lead Investigator: Associate Professor Catherine (Jane) Nikles
  4. ‘Effects of α-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation on sleep problems associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder in children – a single case designed-pilot study’ – Lead Investigator: Uchenna (Lawrence) Ezedinma
  5. ‘Evaluation of Telehealth use by Cardiac-Diabetes Indigenous patients in Health Hub Morayfield’ – Lead Investigator: Associate Professor Chiung-Jung (Jo) Wu
  6. ‘Identification barriers and enablers to a GP-led Urgent Integrated Care model in Queensland, Australia’ – Lead Investigator: Associate Professor Nicholas Ralph
  7. ‘It’s all about how you read the story!’ Parents developing young children’s language and literacy through quality communication experiences with storybooks – Lead Investigator: Dr. Anne Drabble
  8. ‘Mixed methods evaluation of the integration of chiropractic services into a large mainstream medical environment’ – Lead Investigator: Associate Professor Florin Oprescu
  9. ‘Study U: A Unique Tool to Self-Manage Chronic Pain’ – Lead Investigator: Associate Professor Catherine (Jane) Nikles


MEDIA CONTACT – Health Hub Doctors Morayfield, 0422 466 321


Health Hub Doctors Morayfield is a serviced office general practice that strives to provide for its patients by delivering integrated patient-centred care. This medical centre is part of the larger Health Hub Morayfield which introduced a new model of healthcare to Australians. As a collective group of health service providers, we bring integrated health, education, and research together under one centre to provide patients with affordable, evidence-based, person-centred care.


02/12/2021 Newsletters

90,000 Vaccines Administered

Since March this year our team at Health Hub Doctors Morayfield have been extremely busy vaccinating the community against COVID-19.

We are very proud to announce, that as of November 30th our vaccination clinic has administered over 90,000 COVID-19 vaccines!

We would like to say a special thanks to all of our patients who have received their vaccination at our clinic and are doing their part to protect the community against the virus.

Please book in for your COVID-19 vaccine via HERE or through the HotDoc app.

Mark Ryan MP Celebratory Visit

Local MP Mark Ryan visited Health Hub Doctors Morayfield to celebrate the achievement of 90,000 vaccines administered at our Vaccination Clinic.

We would like to thank Mark and his team for their ongoing support.

Please read our official Media Release HERE.

150,000 Current Patients at Health Hub Doctors Morayfield

This week Health Hub Doctors Morayfield reached another HUGE milestone.

We now have 150,000 current patients across our centre including our Respiratory Clinic and Vaccination Clinic!

We thank our patients for their ongoing support and hope they continue visiting the hub for all their healthcare needs.

Patients can book appointments to our centre by visiting HERE, through the HotDoc app or by calling 07 5322 4900.

COVID-19 Booster Reminders

Have you received your COVID-19 booster reminder? All patients who received their COVID-19 vaccine at our Vaccination Clinic will receive a text message reminder when they’re eligible for a booster dose.

To be eligible for a booster dose:
•  You must be 18 years of age and older; and
•  It must be 6 months or longer since your second dose of any of the COVID-19 vaccines

You can book in your booster dose HERE or through the HotDoc app.

If you’re unsure when you received your second does, please check via your myGov account?

Respiratory Clinic

Health Hub Doctors Morayfield has a dedicated respiratory clinic for COVID-19 testing. Bookings are essential while consultations are free.

Our respiratory clinic is OPEN everyday, 8am-8pm.

If you have no or minimal symptoms, but have visited an identified hot spot, please use our COVID-19 TEST ONLY booking spots which will fast track your visit: Book HERE.

If you have Respiratory symptoms that need treatment, then book a RESPIRATORY CLINIC booking: Book HERE.


30/09/2021 Newsletters

Over the last Three Years in addition to General Practice, Health Hub Doctors Morayfield have been providing Urgent Care services as a service to the region.

However, Urgent Care services have operated at a substantial loss because of the inadequate funding provided by the Government to this type of care. Despite extensive discussions with both levels of Government, there is a lack of support from the State & Federal Governments for our Minor Accident & Illness Centre to continue.

Therefore, sadly, it will be closing as of 1st October 2021.

We will no longer be seeing patients requiring urgent care services for non-life-threatening conditions as of this date.

This includes injuries and illnesses such as:

  • Burns,
  • Lacerations/Cuts/Abrasions,
  • Broken bones,
  • Dislocations,
  • Acute severe pain,
  • Major psychiatric disorders,
  • Serious eye and ear injuries, and
  • More major strains and sprains

As well as minor procedures such as:

  • Plastering/casting facilities,
  • Large wound suturing, and
  • Fracture management

Health Hub Doctors Morayfield will revert to a normal General Practice.

All minor accident & illness patients should now go directly to Caboolture or Redcliffe Emergency Departments for treatment.

The Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) also will no longer be dropping urgent care patients to our clinic. 

Health Hub Doctors Morayfield, Mum and Bub Hub Morayfield, and Morayfield Family Doctors will continue to operate as usual with Opening Hours:

8am – 8pm 7 days a week, 365 days a year

If you are unhappy about this as much as we are, we would suggest that you
CLICK HERE to let your local politicians know what you think about this.

Please read our Media Release HERE